Miss Zoie is a Senior at Garden Spot! At first Zoie seems shy and quiet but before long, she's talking up a storm. She has the biggest smile:)
personalities I've seen in a young woman. Her hobbies include gymnastics, archery hunting, and reading. She's super involved in her youth group too!
It's amazing to watch Zoie's face light up when she talks about the missions trips she's been on and how they've impacted her life.
It's clear to me that Zoie has a heart for serving children and young people. She's eager to volunteer in her church nursery and she really enjoys leading a small group of middle school girls for her youth group. When she told me about her missions trip, she spoke mostly of her time with the kids!

This girl is happy to share how much her family, her friends, and her faith mean to her.
Zoie you are beautiful both inside and out. Blessings to you as you continue to serve God by loving others! Have a great senior year!