Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome to the World

On Friday I had the chance to share my time with a good friend and her new baby boy.  It was a joy to catch up with her and her family.  What a pleasure to be able to cuddle her little man!  He was nothing but perfect during our time together.  He almost made me want another one myself, almost:(  Blessings to you Mr. M.  I am trusting along with your parents that you will grow strong in faith, and walk in His way for all your days:) 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sweet and New

In my opinion, God shows his greatest mercy, grace, and creativity every time he blesses our world with another sweet new baby.  This little guy is no exception.  His precious little features are to much.  I just wanted to squeeze him.  Of course everyone knows I am a sucker for redheads, so he got my attention for sure:)  Thank you Mr. Z, you were so sweet to sleep for most of the time!!


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