Friday, October 12, 2012

Holiday Portrait Mini's-Booking Now!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Beautiful Miss Lauren!

  I've grown to love senior sessions.  It's so fun to spend time with young men and women who are on the verge of a huge life change!  I love to talk with them about what they are looking forward to most about their senior year and what makes them most apprehensive about graduating. 
I always get a little misty eyed when I talk to the mothers to plan the session. Without fail, every mom says something to the effect of "I can't believe they're graduating" or "It all happened so fast".  It nearly takes my breath away every time.  My little 5 pound bundle of newborn is in her final year of elementary school. Like all of the mothers I've worked with, I am wondering where the time has gone and what the future holds my baby.  
I can say with great enthusiasm though, I am so blessed and proud to have this young lady as an example for my girls!  If they get through adolescence with as much grace and confidence as she, I will be truly thankful.
Meet Lauren!!

Lauren would describe herself as very independant, and friendly.  She's a little shy at first, but once you get to know her, she's very loud!  Besides working hard (the girls got more then one job!)she spends her time playing lacrose, being active in youth group and she loves spending time with friends and family. 

A huge fan of fashion, Lauren has an eye for style and she knows what she likes.  Part of her style is her easy, laid back, curly hair.  It fits her laid back personality perfectly.

After a little while in the city, we headed out of town to a more rustic local!

Lauren you are beautiful both inside and out!  I can't wait to see all of the exciting things you've got ahead of you.  Continue to follow your heart, follow your dreams, and trust in the Lord to guide both!  Have a fantastic senior year!


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